I'm running a series of workshops in 2023 to help you do your best work without burnout.

The Productivity Paradox
Create your R&R Playbook for 2023
This New Year, I’m inviting you to join me as I plan rest and recovery FIRST into the year…. before cramming anything else in.
Rest is a key component of any great (un)plan and not enough people are talking about it.
For neurodivergent people, lack of rest in whatever form can be sheer kryptonite.
Everybody does recovery differently - find out what works for you.
Worried that this “taking time out for rest” thing isn’t feasible for you? We'll be addressing that.
Got partners? Bring them along! This is a really good one to do together!
At New Year, there's always lots of talk about goals and plans and so on.
Whether you're an overplanner or a plan-o-phobe, do you ever consider how you're going to get enough rest in the mix?
Rest is a key component of any great (un)plan and one that not enough people are talking about.
We all know that getting enough sleep and recovery time is absolutely essential. Literally no one performs well when they're overtired, overstretched or overwhelmed.
For neurodivergent folk, lack of rest (in whatever form) can be sheer kryptonite.
But how many of us have a way of making sure we get what we need, even when things are going sideways in all directions?
It may seem like your need for rest is a bottomless pit - how is it even possible to build that into a realistic life?
Do you even know what kind of rest (there are many) really works best for you, your body, your brain?
This workshop is for you if you're:
Constantly tired and can’t see how that could change
Noticing rest/recovery & relaxation are the first to go when the going gets tough
Feeling hopeless about ever meeting your true rest and recovery needs because they seem so high
Frustrated that you can’t meet your ambitious goals
Overwhelmed or dropping the ball more often than you’d like
Feel guilty about taking time off/out
Are totally down with this rest thing but want to get more systematic about how you do it
This New Year, I’m inviting you to join me as I plan rest and recovery FIRST into the year…. Before cramming anything else in.
In this 90-minute session we will be curling up and thinking through the following:
Getting in regular, routine downtime throughout the year, seasons, weeks and days
Deciding HOW you want to spend your downtime, and creating your playbook for rest and recovery
Exploring your own resistance to rest
Outing your inner slavedriver (AKA internalised ableism and capitalism) and installing a more compassionate internal voice
Pre-Mortem your rest plans: working out what might sabotage your best intentions and getting a plan in place!
Got partners? Bring them along! This is a really good one to do together!
You might well be spending some of this wonderful downtime together and you can certainly support each other to stay on the wagon with your rest and recovery plan.
Worried that this “taking time out for rest” thing isn’t feasible for you?
Discover how to:
Find the time to rest by converting “low grade” hours that aren’t being used well into “high grade” rest and recovery time.
Use your rest and recovery time in the most efficient way possible, so that a little goes a looooong way
Deal with haters, naysayers and time-gobblers with effortless boundaries
This workshop is best attended live - but we'll be sending out a replay so you can listen again and access the training if you can't make it on the day.