All coaching testimonials

"Alice's ability to hold me emotionally as well as practically has helped me really begin to find the stepping stones to working in total alignment with the gift this life has given me. My dear friend distilled the energy of Alice in one of those knowing glances that twinkles with “Yes, go for it!!” When I met Alice I could feel respect, strength and tenderness and I knew she would be able to hold me. I feel like I’ve got permission to get it wrong.
She's shamanic - listening to the intelligence in each moment. It feels to me that she see's the 'bigger' picture around me. She met me exactly where I am so that the right energy can be harnessed to work with at the right time. Her ability to be to the point yet wrapped in warmth, allows me to be more than I knew myself to be. Very cunning! She's a life energy surfer!!!"
Sophie Bolton, Dancing Freedom

"I have worked with other coaches before and found you to be the most useful in terms of honesty and style of working. You seem to be some kind of mind-reader - you know what I'm feeling even when I haven't said what it is. You are approachable and easy to talk to. Unlike with many coaches, I felt able to raise things with you and be honest. You were willing to listen to my concerns, rather than just dictate some cookie cutter approach.
You had tools to help me get to the core of what I was trying to do. Our intensive focused on where to begin and getting things like my about page roughed out. I knew it was just aimed at this area rather than trying to sort out the whole business and that helped me focus as well. You did what you said, you kept your word. My 'story straight' plan" has helped me see where I am going and the steps I need to take. Yes even a few sessions can keep you on track"
Jennifer Syme

"Many, many thanks for your sharp clear focus, open heart and amazing presence. You keep things simple and narrow everything down to what's relevant now as opposed to just visioning. It's totally felt how passionate you are with your work, which is by far the biggest inspiration. I was really excited to do this - it's been coming for many years. My main aim was to find a target audience or a niche and I've been dancing around that for a few years!It only took half and hour and there she is standing in my room and I'm well pleased that I've nailed it now!
I've got a solid marketing strategy now. There's no more messing about. I know who I want to talk to, who will really benefit from my work and I can go! I have clear goals, structure which is great. thank you SO much."
Julia Jeremiah

"Alice has a magical capacity to pull the greatness out of me. She helps me see aspects of myself that I had perceived as flaws, as my in fact greatest strengths. Connecting with what I’m good at has been a relief and allows me to focus my energy on what I do best. I always feel so good about myself, so limitless under the warmth of Alice’s generous attention.​
She connects me with my divinity so that I can remember the vast potential available to me. In practical terms, Alice has helped me realise my authentic value and charge really well for my services, in a female dominant sector where the culture is to undervalue. I had been sitting on a lot of resource for a successful business, but not had the clarity and focus to apply and get results for all the work I was putting in."
Roma Norriss, Parenting Consultant

"Alice has have an innate gift for deeply seeing the gifts of others. I have deeply touched the true essence of what it is that I want to offer and what my purpose is right now. You are restoring my faith in myself supporting me to bring my work into the world at last.
It feels like I've been bringing so many parts of myself together - issues which have been unresolved for over 25 years are coming into harmony, because your work is so deep and so comprehensive. I'm inspired and touched by your deep desire for everyone to shine and live in fullness and integrity. Thank you THANK YOU for seeing me and having faith."
Emily Fuller, Online Midwife

"You gave me permission to try things out, get things wrong and be on a learning curve. To step into my power and make a mess as part of the process. Being held as someone that can create, that has permission to be BIG!
The sense of being celebrated for all that gives me courage and self respect. I so appreciate your ability to hold the shadowy aspects of my feelings without it impacting on the way you can hold the possibilities in my future. I feel the difficulties are honoured and can be included in the positive stuff as evidence of strengths and growth. I think that is a very unique and a powerfully feminine way of working."
Carolyn Clitheroe, Holistic Decluttering Consultant

"II knew what I wanted to do but I didn't know how to break it all down, and you've helped me break it down into sizeable chunks. You've allowed me to see how easy it is - how it was all there but I couldn't make those connections on my own. I've been really worrying about how to write blogs, thinking I had nothing to say - and now I can think of millions of things to talk about now! Its given me a huge big push.”
Samara Lewis, Rewilding The Soul

"Alice has a lazer blade clarity - she wrapped her head around my business sooo quickly. She asked really good questions and was able to see the core issues in such a short space of time. Alice addressed the relationship between me and the business - and how the business reflects me. Not the typical approach of a business coach: very flexible, very organic.
I was concerned about profitability and visibility, and I ended up with a long list of things I can take action on so I can improve the reach of my business. You should try her, just to see exactly what it's going to mean for you!"
Llyane Stanfield

"Alice has the unique ability to know when to go deep and get right to the heart of what's happening and when to strip out the fluff, fuzz & fog and give practical straight up advice just when it's needed."
Sarah Kent

"You heard what I was trying to say, took my scattered ideas, pulled them together, then repeated them back to me with polished wording that was clear, direct and professional. Really delicious copy for my current project!
Tina Koyama

"This was instrumental in moving me positively forward in a huge and challenging creative project, so thank you. I found Alice extremely insightful and clued into whatever was going on for each person. I felt I could trust her implicitly with my inner most workings and this enabled me to truly release and move forward. No blocks seemed too big for her!!"
Vicki Burke

"Before I started working with you I was feeling very anxious and nervous a lot of the time. I would be constantly worrying about other people's problems along with my own - but feeling powerless to do anything. I now am able to be with my feelings and allow myself space to feel and move through them in their own time. The anxiety is a lot less.
Hannah Roberts, Yoga Teacher

"I got a huge amount of clarity around what you saw in me and how you pulled it out, and then repackaged it and gave it back to me."

"Wow, what a journey. I feel highly honoured. A real joy and contentment. Thank you for your amazing respect, connectedness and insight - I felt safe in your hands."
Amy Houghton

Thank you for your help and guidance!!! Yesterday was an especially nourishing session for me! I’m so excited to be allowed to love those bits I was fighting with for so long. Now this is just lovely, oh so lovely…
For the first time in a long time I’m able to see how stuck I have been, and where this stuckness comes from. It’s quite challenging and very very emotional to go back there, but it all feels very natural and as if it's exactly how it is meant to be. I’m sooo touched and elevated. A big weight has fallen off my shoulders.
Pavla Kislerova

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