Career and Business Strategy coaching for Autistic/ADHD high-achievers on the brink of burnout.
Achieve your best in harmony with your neurotype: Because limited spoons doesn’t mean you have to stop being brilliant, ambitious or productive.

Does this sound like you?​
You’re ADHD, Autistic and/or living with Chronic Illness or significant care responsibilities
Yet another great work opportunity has passed you by because you’re too busy or overwhelmed to do it justice
The maths of work + family + health is just not adding up. You’re under constant strain, wondering which one will crack first
You don’t get to do the “fun stuff” enough in your job. Grunt work takes so much of your bandwidth… and you’re ashamed of how hard you find the day-to-day
While you love a lot of your colleagues and clients, there are certain relationships at work that are exhausting and destabilising
You’d like to be more explicit about communicating your preferences and needs but you’re worried that’s going to impact you professionally to speak up
What if I said you could :​
Achieve more at work with less crashes, masking and meltdowns
Easily say no & get your needs met minus the drama
Have time to enjoy yourself AND get enough rest and recharge

"I hadn’t been sure if the improvements I was seeing was down to ADHD meds since they started at the same time as coaching. But when I found out I was pregnant and had to stop the meds I realised that it was the coaching that was helping me reprogram and better understand my brain! I always thought I’d go back on meds after I stopped breastfeeding, but now I won’t bother."
Maddie Smith
How I can help
Achieve your best in harmony with your neurotype: Peak performance coaching for Autistic/ADHD high-achievers on the brink of burnout.
How things are right now
You’re good at what you do!
If you’re a business owner, then you’ve seen high turnover years and want to build consistency into the growth. Employed? You’re in a position of senior responsibility and planning your next move either up, or into consultancy.
Circumstances have been extremely challenging…
…due to your own health, undiagnosed neurotype, significant care demands from a loved one, or a combination of all three.
Your work is the place where you feel most alive and inspired
You’re damned if you’re going to let adversity get in the way of fulfilling your potential.
On your good days you can see for miles
You might forget the you with limited bandwidth even exists. You can feel so much possibility, inspiration is flowing and you are surrounded with more opportunities than you have time to pursue!
On your bad days you feel helpless and hopeless
Your inner voice spirals, and you question whether you have what it takes. All you can feel is tiredness, physical discomfort, practical limitations and unmet expectations crowding in from all sides. From each of these two places, it feels impossible to remember what the other one feels like and, without meaning to, they are sabotaging each other.
You might have been telling yourself that you just need “one more push” to uplevel but….

There is another way….

Imagine yourself pulling off that One, Delicious Big Thing, but instead of flying by the seat of your pants, you’re well rested, with a great team around you who know exactly what to do.
You’re unapologetic about your limits
…because you are crystal clear on the strengths you bring to the table and aren’t afraid to ask for what you need in order to deliver.
You’re financially secure
….and are using that security to take excellent care of yourself, physically, mentally and emotionally. You feel able to devote yourself fully to your work - and you’ve also got enough bandwidth for the important relationships in your life, the pleasures that fill your creative and spiritual cup.
You don’t have to give up your goals
…in fact, you might feel able to recalibrate them to something even bigger once we’re finished. The insights you’ll gain from coaching with me will allow you to make decisions, set boundaries and design your life to suit you and cultivate your unique way of seeing the world and getting things done.
You feel at peace with yourself
…at once accepting of the things you can’t do and amazed at how much you can do given the right approach. You stop apologising. You put yourself and what you care about first. You’ve got the personal know-how and inner energy to engage with work you love at an impressive level.
Hi, I'm Alice
Hi, I'm Alice
I help senior professionals with atypical brains and/or chronic illness pursue demanding careers in the face of complex personal or professional challenges.
I know how to help you design and build a portfolio of stand-out quality work without masking, overreaching or burning the candle at both ends.
Thought-partner, sounding board and strategist, I can see the steps you need to turn your ideas and inspiration into reality, from a place of deep practical understanding of you as a whole person: brain, body, spirit and mind.

Register your interest and ask any questions

"Alice does a wonderful job drawing upon a vast array of ‘science’ and ‘human’ knowledge. She is very skilled, not only at identifying things to raise and a direction of travel, but at articulating things to people in a way that resonates specifically with them. She has helped me identify the parts of me that get overwhelmed and why, and has provided support for those things. She is incredibly insightful, gently supportive and safe. Alice is a very special human being and she’s very talented at what she does."
Clare Nesbitt

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Do Less, Better
11 Tools For Success Without Burnout. For highly-sensitive, ambitious neurodivergent folk.
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