Career and Business Strategy coaching for Autistic/ ADHD high-achievers on the brink of burnout.
I help senior professionals with atypical brains and/or chronic illness pursue demanding careers in the face of complex personal or professional challenges.
You’re feeling tired, out of control, constantly frustrated and wondering if you’ll ever meet your own high expectations.
I help you put your talents centre stage so you can make big, satisfying leaps whilst working less and enjoying your life.

How I can help
Achieve your best in harmony with your neurotype: Peak performance coaching for Autistic/ADHD high-achievers on the brink of burnout.
Who you are
A driven, talented human with valuable experience under your belt.
On the one hand, you can easily do things other people can't dream of on their best days...
On the other hand, you can't manage the simplest tasks and some aspects of life have always been an inexplicable - and painful - struggle.
Maybe you've got a diagnosis. Maybe you already self-identify. But what happens next? Where do you go from here?

Maybe you know what you want to take on next - more income, managing up or working on a creative or passion project. Or perhaps all you know right now is “NOT LIKE THIS”.
Yet a shift of gear to something "more effective" feels scary and so much work both practically and emotionally. There's so much pressure to figure it all out RIGHT NOW, and it just feels like you’re failing. It's frankly tiring to have to put all the advice you get through the ADHD/Autistic/Dyslexia filter before you can use it.
You need answers that you can apply straight away and just get moving. And you are really ready to feel less alone with all this.​​
What I can help you with
Stop fighting your brain and body: identify and celebrate what comes naturally to you.

Create a liberating new story about you and your place in the world.
Embrace your unique thinking / doing / working style without shame, guilt or frustration.
Understand the impact of societal and social experiences on your sense of self. 
Unlock your capacity without trying to be something you’re not.
Identify specific, sustainable, personalised strategies to perform at your best - starting now.
Break the boom, bust, burnout cycle with sustainable work / rest / play.

Finally start making progress on your goals, passions and ambitions without fear of messing up or burning out.

18th March 12:30 - 1:30pm
Peaceful and Productive Workshop
A Masterclass in Peak Performance for ADHD and Autistic Professionals
Register your attendance here:
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Do Less, Better
11 Tools For Success Without Burnout. For highly-sensitive, ambitious neurodivergent folk.
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